• Set the memory partition for HyperCard to 4 or more megabytes for better
performance. This is done by selecting "Get Info" from the File menu while
HyperCard is highlighted from the Finder.
• If you have a PowerMac, it may be worth seeking out version 2.3 of
HyperCard because this is the first PowerMac native version.
Older versions will run fine, but slower, in emulated mode.
Another option is to use "Hyperstack Player - PPC 2.3" which is a shareware
stand-alone application with similar functionality to HyperCard Player.
Look for it at <gopher://gopher.archive.umich.edu:7055/40/mac/hypercard/
• If it takes forever to change between "cards" in HyperCard when using a PowerPC,
you may be experiencing a known conflict between HyperCard and the current
Font Manager. Until this problem is rectified by either an improved version
of HyperCard or a PPC-native Font Manager, try quitting all applications and
temporarily remove nonessential fonts to another folder. You may notice a
dramatic speed improvement.
• HyperCard comes with many stacks but only the HyperCard application and the
Home stack are essential for using DNA Translator or Aligner.
•• Feedback
Please send your comments and suggestions to:
Dr. Douglas J. Eernisse
Department of Biological Science MH282
California State University
Fullerton, CA 92634 USA
•• Published description of version 1.0
Eernisse, D. J. 1992. DNA Translator and Aligner: HyperCard utilities to aid
phylogenetic analysis of molecules. Comput. Appl. Biosc. (CABIOS) 8: 177-184.
•• Publication that demonstrates some of newer features
Eernisse, D. J., and A. G. Kluge. 1993. Taxonomic congruence versus
total evidence, and amniote phylogeny inferred from fossils,
molecules, and morphology. Mol. Biol. Evol. 10:1170-1195.
•• Version history
A version history file for changes since version 1.0 is provided in the Sample
Input/Output folder.
•• Notable recent features
Added preliminary features to calculate synonymous and
nonsynonymous changes, using the method of Nei and Gojobori
(see: Gojobori, T., E.N. Moriyama, and M. Kimura. 1990. Chapt.
33. Statistical methods for estimating sequence divergence.
Meth. Enzymol. 183: 531-550). This is one of the options
for manipulating string sequences from DNA Translator's
Utility Card "Convert" menu ("Sequence Report") or from
Aligner's "Report Options..." menu item of the "Data" menu.
Added "Support Index Blocks..." feature, which allows automatic calculation
of "Support Index" (also called "Decay Index") or "SI" values
with PAUP. See the new intructions for this in the Sample
Data:Specialized Instructions folder.
Added (8/93) a color editor to the Aligner stack so that
colors used can be changed.
(7/95) Transferred much functionality of DNA Translator to the new
Data menu of Aligner, which should improve the ease of use
of these features.
(7/95) Over 25 animal mtDNA gene maps are now available.
•• Misc. Legalities
Is It Really Free?
Although this program is distributed as Freeware, the author retains all ownership and rights of ownership in this software. Distribute and copy freely so long as no one other than the author derives a commercial benefit from distributing this software. Info-Mac CD-ROMs and other free/nominal fee software providers are free to include
DNA Stacks without even asking. CD-ROM collections and commercial software distributors though, such as EduCorp, must obtain permission from me in order to distribute this program. These stacks also contain external resources with
similar copyright restrictions as detailed in the script for each stack.
***If you redistribute this program it must contain all of its read me documents.***
Usual Disclaimer of Warranty:
In using this software, you understand and agree that this software is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. The entire risk as to the results and performance of using this software lies entirely with you, the user. The author does not make any warranties, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to this software. This application has been used by myself extensively and should do no damage, but if it does then you will be on your own.